Late 2013 imac retina
Late 2013 imac retina

late 2013 imac retina

Prior to the 10.8.5 update,I could get great performance using iPerf, but actually copying files between Macs on the same network never substantially exceeded the performance I could get over 802.11n. With OS X 10.8.5 Apple addressed some of the performance issues that plagued real world use of 802.11ac. I need to spend some more time with the two but color me completely impressed at this point. distance from AP before leaving on my most recent trip, but I will say that the combination of the two gave me better WiFi range/performance than any other wireless device I’ve ever tested. Range was absolutely incredible on the Airport Extreme/2013 iMac combination. I will say that maintaining the full speed connection was quite tricky and required very close proximity to the AP, and that the AP was located physically higher than the iMac. Connected to Apple’s new 802.11ac Airport Extreme I was able to negotiate the maximum link rate of 1300Mbps.

late 2013 imac retina

Unlike the MBA implementation however, the iMac features a 3 antenna/3 stream configuration with the potential for even higher performance. The new iMacs join the 2013 MacBook Airs in supporting 802.11ac.

Late 2013 imac retina